In our current podcast series, I interview the owners of 4 very different personal training businesses and we dive deep into their marketing.
Today’s episode is the third of that series. I interview Allie Knobbe, owner of Garage Training and Aestousi.
Allie owns a personal training business in Denver, Colorado.
She took the very courageous step of leaving her accounting career 3 years ago to start her own business in an industry she was much more passionate about — fitness.
Allie has a very unique philosphy when it comes to fitness. She approaches it from the long-term, focusing on habit building and getting 1% better every day.
Allie shares some amazing marketing tips with you in this episode, along with some great golden nuggets about how to approach your own healtha and wellness journey.
“I really try not to refer to anything with my clients as problems. I try to kind of reframe their mindset to be: There’s a space where they currently are, there’s the space where they want to be, and there’s the in-between, which is why they’ve hired me to kind of help them bridge that gap.” – Allie Knobbe
2:17: Allie on finally opening her first in-person studio space since the COVID-19 pandemic.
3:07: Reframe Mindset/Build Habits: What’s the client’s next step to reach their goal?
7:25: Social Media Mess: How the use of filters and editing make clients feel.
11:22: Allie’s Meaningful Content: What attracts attention versus bringing in the right clientele.
13:00: Allie’s Products and Services: Quality and actions align with clients’ goals for a lifetime.
17:24: Better Results: Difference between Allie’s in-person vs. online fitness services.
19:15: When to seek Allie’s services – when you’re ready to give up some control of your goals.
23:35: Why Allie ended her accounting career to do what she truly enjoyed and wanted to do.
28:25: Bottom Line: Business needs to be profitable to help people and create value.
34:34: Allie’s Marketing: What’s working right now to get in front of the right people.
42:45: Allie’s Advice: Focus on the habits and processes that will lead you to the end goal.
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