In our current podcast series, I interview the owners of 4 very different personal training businesses and we dive deep into their marketing.
Today’s episode is the first of that series. I interview Daniella Maldonado, owner of Boom Lab Fitness and Personal Plates Fitness.
Daniella owns a local gym here in Denver, Colorado where I live. And she has a personal training business.
I was blown away when Daniella shared more with me about the personal training certification process…and how not all personal trainers and created equal.
And, she shares some of her hard-earned marketing lessons over the last 6 years.
“There’s also just a lot of people who want to feel better in their own skin and gain more confidence in the way that they look and feel on a day-to-day basis.” – Daniella Maldonado
2:30: Improve Health, Wellness, and Weight: Problems that Daniella solves for her clients.
3:35: Fitness Form: First step for some into fitness world and having a personal trainer.
4:51: Daniella’s Services: What makes her gym and personal training unique and customized.
6:02: Intentions: Build community for all levels and easy-to-use equipment for everybody to use.
8:34: Athletic/Educational Background: How Daniella learned all about fitness, personal training.
14:16: Daniella’s Daughter: What inspired and motivated her to start her own business.
20:43: Marketing: What works, what fails, and lessons learned for Daniella’s and your business
31:02: Nurture Potential New Clients: People need to take time to make a buying decision.
38:31: Daniella’s Advice: Your business does not have to be for everybody. Be unique.
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