In our current podcast series, I interview the owners of 4 very different operational businesses and we dive deep into their marketing.
Today’s episode is the first of that series. I interview Amber Slaughter, project manager and owner of The Project Architect.
Amber brings 20 years of corporate project management to the table and brings all that hard-won expertise to creatives and agencies, helping them to increase profit, create smooth projects from start to finish, and improve the client experience.
Instead of overdelivering and being consistently underpaid, she helps her clients get paid for everything.
Amber shares more about her incredible services as well as explains some of the marketing lessons she’s learned in the transition from corporate employee to business owner.
“What I generally do is come in and at least evaluate—let me see how your business kind of is operating and do what’s known in corporate as a SWOT Analysis—to try to get where you’re good at things and where there’s opportunities.” – Amber Slaughter
2:30: Systems, Processes, and People: The problems Amber helps solve for her clients.
7:12: Fear vs. Empowerment: When standard things do not feel that way to business/owner.
11:08: Certified Coaching: Amber figures out what’s working or not to grow team and profits.
14:04: What tool should you use to be successful? Without a process, tool does nothing for you.
21:20: Automation: Repeatable process frees up time and makes money for business.
23:50: PM, COO, OBM, VA: What are the differences between these roles and who does what?
28:19: Entry Points: Operations/PM, recommendations, training, tool selection/implementation.
32:03: Corporate World to Small Business: What inspired Amber to start her own business?
34:27: Visionary vs. Executor: Know your target audience and how to speak their language.
39:05: Return on Investment (ROI): Owners cannot know and do everything all the time.
42:40: Free Guide: What Amber’s 6 Strategies To Better Estimates do for business owners.
48:23: Lessons Learned: Amber finds/gets new clients by sharing content with target market.
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