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But wait! You’re not done…
Are you ignoring the one marketing channel that WILL generate leads, customers and revenue for your business…quickly and consistently?
If you had a list of people who trust you and are eager to buy from you at your fingertips …how would that change your business?
Dear friend and fellow entrepreneur,
You want your website to help you produce consistent revenue and healthy profits.
But, it’s not easy, is it? Especially when there are sooooo many plug-ins and marketing channels designed to help you generate leads.
Before you spend your next dime (or minute, for that matter) on one of them, I need to remind you of a fact we can’t escape. In fact, you’ve heard it time and time again.
Your email list is the lifeline to your business.
Are you giving everything else priority over building your email list?
My name is Lauren Pawell and like you, I’m an entrepreneur and know firsthand what it’s like to give everything else in your business priority over building your email list.
There are so many excuses we tell ourselves:
1. “I have to tackle all my clients first…and then if I have time at the end of the day, I’ll work on building my email list.” 9 months later, your clients are still eating up all of your time. You’d actually like to fire some of them, but don’t have enough leads in the pipeline. And your email list is still under 500 people.
2. “I hate our website and I need to tackle that first before I can focus on growing our email list.” Newsflash! Did you know you don’t even need a website to build your email list? Don’t let the excuse of a lackluster website hold you back.
3. “I’m already spread too thin between blogging, Facebooking, Tweeting, Snapchatting, Periscoping…I don’t have time to work on building my email list.” Ok, let me tell you a little secret. None of these platforms will generate close to the ROI you’ll receive from your email list. Plus, you need an email list to complement your social and content efforts. So put your social and content efforts on hold, to be resumed after your email list is in a better place.
4. “I’m too busy working on new product launches. I will work on my email list after these launches are finalized.” Do you want to have a successful product launch with buyers clamoring to pull out their wallets for you? Who doesn’t? Work on your email list simultaneously, so you can have customers ready and waiting for you when your product is ready for the world to see.
Does any of the above sound familiar?
Well guess what my friend? It’s time to hold yourself accountable, put your boss pants on, and make list-building a priority. Your future sales depend on it.
Make a decision, right here, right now, to stop neglecting the heart of your business.
Jumpstart your list-building efforts, with a strategy roadmap tailored to your business.
I’m glad you’ve decided to put your email list first.
But now you might be asking yourself, “Now what? There are so options when it comes to growing your email list. How do I know where to get started?”
That’s where we come in. I want to take all the guesswork out of building your email list and put together a custom listing-building strategy roadmap, tailored to your business.
So how will we do this for you?
- First, you’ll fill out a questionnaire giving us more insight into your company, your products/services, your customers, and your current marketing efforts.
- Then, we’ll put together your strategy roadmap, outlining the activities you should be focused on to jumpstart your email list growth.
Our strategies will not only give you a high-level overview, but we’ll also share with you the exact tools you need to grow your email list.
You could spend hours putting together a list-building strategy, or you could let us do it for you, for only $19.
Yup, you heard right!
We’ll put together a personalized, list-building roadmap for your business for $19.
You could choose to spend this $19 on:
- A hamburger and a beer at a restaurant,
- A movie ticket and some popcorn,
- A little over 2 hours of work by a minimum wage employee, or
- A 2-month subscription to Mailchimp (for 500 subscribers or less).
And then you could spend hours piecing together an email list growth plan from what you find on the Internet.
However, you know just as well as I do, that as an entrepreneur, time is more precious than money. You won’t get those hours back in your day.
But you will get your $19 back, ESPECIALLY if you invest them in growing your email list. It’s an investment in your business that’s totally risk-free.
So what’s it going to be?
Are you going to continue to ignore your email list and/or keep going about it the way you have been?
Or are you going to invest $19 and let us take care of your list-building strategy for you, so you can hit the ground running?
To your ongoing online success,
Lauren Pawell
Founder & Owner
Bixa Media
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