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How to stop your website from bleeding money—right now—and turn it into a lead-generating machine.

Learn how your site can earn you 10-20% more each month with minimal effort, no matter what you sell

You may have a new website with very few visitors OR you may have worked long and hard to build up a ton of great traffic that continues to pour in.

Nonetheless, anyone that stays on your site is at least mildly interested in what you have to say, right?

Well, did you know that of all your website visitors:

  • 3% are ready to buy now,
  • 47% aren’t ready to buy now, but will purchase sometime in the future, and
  • 50% will never buy.

I KNOW you are focusing efforts on the 3% that are ready to buy now, because they get in contact with you. But what are you doing about that 47%, who aren’t quite yet ready to buy, but will be in the future? If I had to guess, you are likely doing one of the following:

  • Ignoring them completely,
  • Capturing their email address but not doing anything with it,
  • Sending them a discount as soon as they subscribe to your newsletter but not following-up afterwards, or
  • Haphazardly sending out emails every so often when it strikes your fancy.

Yikes! I hate to break it to you, but none of these methods will successfully nurture your leads and convert them into customers.

What will accomplish this? A personalized, lead nurturing email automation that on-boards your new prospects by:

  • introducing them to your brand and making them feel a part of the family,
  • educating them about your product(s) and/or service(s),
  • answering one or some of their frequently asked questions,
  • giving them a list of actionable tips,
  • telling them a story about one of your customers, and
  • setting expectations about future emails.

By doing so, your prospects will feel connected and engaged with your company, permitting them to know, like and gasp, even trust you! By the time they are ready to buy, they will purchase from you instead of from your competitors.

The proof is in the pudding.

The power of sending the right email, to the right person, at the right time cannot be underestimated.,/p>

Companies who send automated emails are 133% more likely to send relevant messages that correspond with a customer’s purchase cycle. – Lenskold and Pedowitz Groups

Let’s take a hypothetical scenario to help illustrate this point.

Imagine you are thinking about buying a new car. It’s a pretty big purchase right?

So you buckle down and start to do some research, which might follow a process similar to this:

Stage #1: First, you narrow down the size and type of car you want. SUV, truck, sedan…you think about your needs and what kind of car will best fit into your lifestyle.

Stage #2: Then, you might do some research about what are the best cars in your specified category. Let’s say you’re looking for a truck. You’ll then start to decide what features are must-haves, nice-to-haves, and not-necessary in your new vehicle. Meanwhile, you’ll start to look at lists of “best trucks” to see reviews from other authoritative sources.

Stage #3: Last, but not least, you’ll start to visit dealers in-person and online, to test-drive the vehicle, understand what the total cost will be, and make your final decisions.

Now imagine during this process, you start receiving emails from car experts and/or dealerships.

When you’re in stage one, you’re not ready to learn about all the features of the Toyota Tacoma, because you haven’t yet decided on what type of car you want! An email pushing this content, would likely go ignored, put in a folder with the intention of being reopened, only to be forgotten, or, even worse, might result in an unsubscribe.

However, if at this point in time, you receive an email that describes the pros and cons of SUVs, sedans, and trucks, it will correspond to your current stage of the buying cycle very well. It may even help you to arrive at your decision to purchase a truck.

If that same company then sends you an email a few weeks later after you’ve looked at their page showcasing a Ford Ranger that highlights the vehicles features and offers you 5% off your vehicle purchase if you come in to the dealership by the end of the month, what action do you think you might take?

The reality is that by sending the right email, to the right person, at the right time, you’re more likely to get the sale when the prospect is ready to buy.

“Companies using email to nurture leads generate 50% more sales-ready leads and at 33% lower cost. And nurtured leads, on average, produce a 20% increase in sales opportunities compared to non-nurtured leads.” – Hubspot

Ask yourself: how would your business change if the above story reflected your reality?

Would you finally achieve that entrepreneurial independence and freedom you’ve been striving for?

Why not take a test drive? Let me create an initial lead nurturing email automation for your business.

Now, I’m going to be straight up with you. The most powerful email marketing strategy addresses the full lifecycle of your prospect customers, sending the right message, at the right time, to the right people. It also involves a combination of email automations and frequent email campaigns.

However, before you decide to move forward with an entire email marketing ecosystem, know YOU CAN see results immediately by first starting small, a personalized, lead nurturing email automation.

And that is what I’m here to offer you today, a bite-sized look at how email automations can revolutionize your business…because I’ve seen firsthand how it can transform your marketing results. (Remember results mean new leads, new customers and/or repeat customers.)

Equally important is what I’m not offering. I’m not offering to build you out a full set of email automations addressed at the entire customer lifecycle. I’m also not offering to help you with regular email campaigns. Why?

I care about your business and your revenue just as much as you do. The last thing I want you to do is invest a bunch of resources into something before you know it works. I want to first demonstrate how we can make you more money with an initial lead nurturing email automation.

So how will we do this for you?

1. First, you’ll fill out a questionnaire giving us more insight into your company, your products/services, your customers, and your current marketing efforts.

2. Then, we’ll jump on a 30-minute call together to go over your answers, discuss your business objectives and strategize.

3. Next, we’ll create an outline of your email automation, and send it to you for your review, along with any additional questions we may have about your products and services.

4. After, you’ll receive a first draft, which you and your team will review. We’ll jump on a call to discuss your feedback.

5. We’ll adjust the copy as required and then implement the automation in your 3rd party email platform of choice.

If you need any visuals, we’ll provide graphic designer recommendations at that point in time, especially if you don’t have a creative team in-house.

The entire process takes about 7 to 10 business days.

We also throw in a few added bonuses including:


Adding an email opt-in on your website ($77 value),


Making sure you’re properly set up on Google Analytics, to better track your results ($117 value),


Setting you up on an email platform of your choice, if you haven’t already done so ($227 value),


Giving you email branding guidelines to simplify design decisions on future email campaigns ($67 value), and


2 follow-up performance reports (1 and 2 months after implementation) with suggestions for improvement ($367 value).

That’s $855 worth of perks!

Now l’m going to let you in on a little secret.

We’re offering this service at a ridiculously affordable price ($497), that’s less than what you’d spend in a typical month in a social channel…and when was the last time that Facebook or Google guaranteed results? (We do!)

And we firmly believe this investment will pay for itself time and time again. It’s the gift that keeps on giving!

Plus, it will be one of your highest-converting marketing channels. So if you have to choose between spending your marketing dollar (again) on a social media channel, where do you think you’ll see the most return-on-investment?

Get started RIGHT NOW by reserving your spot to create your new lead-nurturing email.

But act now.

We only take on a limited number of new clients each month. Make sure you’re one of them.

BixaMedia-MoneyBackGuaranteeEmblem-Final60-Day Money Back Guarantee

I’m confident we can help you level-up your lead-nurturing efforts through this email automation. But, if you’re on the fence and not sure if this investment is worth it, let me provide some reassurance.

60 days after the implementation of your email automation, if you aren’t happy with your results, we’ll refund your money.

Here’s the catch…you must have made the changes recommended in our 1-month performance report. Why? While I know we can create a great email automation for you, the real test is to release it into the wild and get feedback directly from your email list. The data we collect over the first month will be vital to discovering if any changes are required to get the most impact from your new automation.

I KNOW you probably have some questions…let me answer them for you.

I have no website traffic. Is this service still a good fit for me?

We want to ensure that we can generate results for you immediately after launching your new email automation. While we still can help you create a lead-nurturing autoresponder, it will be hard to measure the performance once implemented if you have no website traffic. Therefore, we recommend building up some website traffic first and then coming back to us to help you with an email automation.

What if I don’t have an email list?

No problem! As long as you have some website traffic, our email opt-in (one of the bonuses) will help you turn some of those visitors into email subscribers

Do I need a website to get the most out a lead-nurturing email automation?

Not necessarily. While you don’t need a website, you should have at least one or two landing pages that you can drive traffic to.

I just started my business. Should I invest in a lead-nurturing email automation now?

If you have a clear idea about what you are selling and who your customer is, you don’t need to wait on creating a lead-nurturing email automation. However, do keep in mind that as your business evolves, your email automation may require some modification.

If you aren’t totally sure about what you are selling or who your target audience is, we recommend holding off on your email automation efforts. Why? An unclear message will be apparent to your email subscribers and consequently email won’t be an effective sales tool.

I sell a service, not a product. Will this service still help me generate leads and sales?

Yes! The great thing about email automations is that they aren’t just good for product-based businesses. Service-based businesses also see great results.

I don’t have a lot of time to give input. Is that ok?

most valuable resource! However, to really construct the best possible email automation for you, we’ll need your input. YOU alone know your business and customers best, and we rely on your expertise to help us create a high-performing autoresponder. Therefore if you aren’t ready to dedicate time to giving us feedback, then we recommend waiting until your schedule frees up a bit.

That being said, we respect every precious minute you have and only involve you in the process when absolutely necessary.

How do I know you can create copy specific to my business and its customers?

We have a unique process that allows us to get to know your business and customers quickly, that includes 1:1 time discussing your unique needs.

If you need help reserving your spot to create your new lead-nurturing email automation or have additional questions, please contact us.

I want to help you achieve your entrepreneurial dreams.

Let’s make the independence and freedom you’ve dreamed about a reality.

Together, we can help you capture and educate the 47% of prospects who aren’t yet ready to buy your product or services. That way, when they do decide to buy, they do so from you instead of your competitors.

Get started on your personalized, lead-nurturing email automation by securing your spot.

I can’t wait to work with you on your new, personalized, lead-nurturing email automation!

To your ongoing online success,


Lauren Pawell
Founder & Owner
Bixa Media

PS: Don’t forget to act now! We only take on a limited number of clients, so this offer will be gone fast. You’ll want to see for yourself just how powerful a lead-nurturing email automation can be for your business.

“Lauren of Bixa Media took our email program up several notches. First, she added an email opt-in which increased our monthly sign up numbers by 33%. Second, she created an automated lead-nurturing series that I had been thinking about for a couple years, but never got around to implementing.

Now that the automated email system is set up, we never have to think about it. Our new subscribers automatically get a series of emails welcoming them to our site. These emails are designed to increase interaction with our subscribers. I have received several emails from subscribers thanking me for the introduction to our blog.

Equally as important, this lead-nurturing email automation has improved our list’s overall open rate by 38.6% and our clickthrough rate by 7.7%…so it’s also measurably improved existing email efforts. I love this new series!”

Kim P.